Hail Kindred
It has been some time since I have posted or entered a blog but trust me it’s just because I have been busy, and I really want to clean up some of the purposes of this site. One of the things I am truly focusing on as of now is a start to finish lessons on our faith. Why do we need lessons? Well, it has been my goal from the beginning of this creation of brotherhood and sisterhood to prevent any of you or anyone from becoming book pagan, especially regarding our faith. Why do I fear the book pagan? It’s because if you just read our books and take in what authors have to say about our faith then you walk away with a load of opinions, false information, and a silly idea of what our ancestors were trying to tell us. There is nothing wrong with reading our material and getting an idea of what we believe in or the culture we follow. Yet, many have stopped just there, just after reading the Eddas, or Asatru books and they then go forth in a belief in the gods as if they were deities of history, possibly even real people.
I’ve preached since the beginning that there is a symbolic formula within our Sagas, Eddas, and lore that many skip and don’t pay attention to. This is where my focus stays, it’s the things you aren’t asking yourself, the questions that many would not think of this is exactly where I study to help fill in the gaps of the unknown. If you look on our Learning tab and follow the step-by-step guide to becoming a knowledgeable Norse Pagan, this wasn’t just things made up from random books, these were strategic books placed in this formula to help one understand and see through the coded books. Coded? Yes indeed, Snorri could not release a book under the Christian church if the church did not agree on it, therefore he had to literally hide certain things with names, places, items, and times. He clearly states what his approach would be at the beginning of his Prose Edda, and that was “to learn how to read Norse Poetry” that alone was a symbolic hint that the Eddas would be in code.
My first lesson to you comes from a time before time, a time before any thought of consciousness was created. Creation in our faith says Muspelheim melted the ice of Niflheim and unfroze the premortal cow Audumla. Let’s look before that at how the universe was created in a three-step process. Our universe is a physical thing, it is seen and can be touched physically therefore it has masculine power. The inside power of the universe such as moving sounds and streams of life-giving water is the unknown energy that feeds the cosmic tree. These powers are unseen and hidden from physical energy therefore these powers are feminine, also known as Mothers of the present universe. When these energies or powers are mentioned in the Edda as daughters of Aegir and daughters to Ran. The idea of the “Nine Waves” comes from the hint that God of the sea doesn’t mean sea of the world, yet sea of the universe. Aegir is God of the sea of space, he is the origin of space itself, while Ran is the goddess of the power of space and its power to withdraw matter back into itself, feeding itself like the cycle the universe is. It just so happens Ran means “Robber” as in taker, and this is why she in the Eddas is known to take those lost at “Sea” who drown. It doesn’t mean literally drown in water, but she takes back those who die, and recycles them back into the universe………resurrection. This also means Ran, is a goddess of death in a mold of herself and grandmother of the world we live in. Aegir and ran have nine daughters, the “Waves” of the ocean which are symbolic for waves of time and energy. The streams that feed the rivers under the Yggdrasil, and Well of Origin. These daughters are the moving power that is currently within our world. Snorri does a great job at explaining a hint in his Prose Edda when he says Hvergelmir which is the Well of Hel is the source of “All Rivers” in the Cosmos. This same moving water source…. energy movement is the power the moves the vibrations of the universe and it just so happens that this Well in Hel called Hvergelmir is the place where all dead souls get grounded back up into bits, cycling back into the universe, or the “rivers” of the cosmos.
In creation, there were sound waves created by the hot and cold worlds colliding together. This sound “Ymir” was the first Jotun to walk this universe, which means there were sound waves traveling through the oceans of “Ran”. As Ymir gave birth to his own children “Rocks” or “Matter” this was symbolic for sound waves creating physical objects through the watery streams and waves of sound. As Audumla enters the cosmic universe her names means “Power Bellower” and it means she was the constant contact and friction that continued force power through physical rocks……”Licking them”. This uncovered Buri, whose name means “Potential” is symbolic for the friction of matter and sound waves revealing the potential of life.
I will stop here because we can get deep into the next coming of stages regarding creation, but I leave you with this. Though we all have read the Poetic Edda and Prose Edda, are we asking ourselves the right questions? Are we truly taking in the fact that our ancestor’s civilization may have not had the technology we have today, but it doesn’t mean they didn’t know possibly more than us regarding the cosmos or the universe.
Once of the biggest questions I have ever asked myself was at the very beginning of the Voluspa, Odin travels down to the underworld and awakens a sleeping seerer and starts to ask her questions about the universe and what she remembers.
This couldn’t be nothing more than the biggest hint of all, this Seerer that Odin awakens claims she remembers the greater and lesser children of Heimdall, that she would speak the oldest spells of the world, she remembers the nine worlds, that she was raised by giants “Jotuns”, she remembers nine giantesses, and the seed from which the world tree sprang….
Who is this Seerer? How did she know of the world before? Is this Seerer the beginning of it all?